CK Preteens Can Serve  

  • Step 1- Preteens must request, complete, and return a serving application

    Step 2- Complete Interview

    Step 3- Serve!

    Preteens will begin by serving in in the first tier. Once they show responsibility, they can then serve in the next tier, stay in their current tier, or both.

  • This team will help set up classrooms, move chairs, prepare crafts, clean tables, put things away, or any other task requested.  You will have minimum supervision in completing tasks.

  • This team will prepare all the snacks for all of Calvary Kids.  This must be done before, or at the beginning of, the 9:00 hour.  You will be given specific instructions to follow and will be working alone or with a partner.  This requires an enormous amount of concentration and trust.

  • This team will greet kids and families during our drop off and pick up time.  You will be responsible for talking with other kids, giving high fives, and giving directions.  During pick up you may also be tasked with handing out materials to families.  This will involve minimum supervision and a willingness to interact with everyone entering Calvary Kids.

  • This team will lead classroom prayers.  You will be called upon to lead in classroom prayers.  You will also help lead our Kids Worship prayer time during the 10:30 hour.  There will be minimal supervision in leading classroom prayers.  We will have prayer prompts for you for Kids Worship prayer time.

  • This team will help in a preschool or Kindergarten classroom by being a “buddy” to a child.  You will help a specific child, or children, with crafts, reading, or understanding the lesson.  This will require you missing an entire class.  Therefore, you may only participate once a month.  You will be under the direct supervision of the classroom teacher.  This will require an incredible degree of responsibility as you are not only responsible for maintaining your own discipline but are also responsibly for facilitating the classroom learning of others.

  • This team will teach their fellow students.  You, your parents, and the Calvary Kids staff will work closely together to give an opportunity for you to teach the scriptures to others.  This will require intense preparation ahead of time!  We will also have you rehearse the lesson ahead of time and participate in a coaching session.

Calvary Kids Preteens are encouraged to serve. Any 5th or 6th grader who is interested in serving should ask someone with Calvary Kids Staff for an application to get started.